SHELLebrate With Us!
Volunteers, Mermaids & Vendors, apply to be a part of our world!
Volunteer Crew

Thank you for taking an interest in reporting "All hands on deck!" to help successfully carry out our event and become part of our crew! From set-up to tear-down, event supervision/organization to poster distribution, and an ocean of jobs in between, there are many ways to be a large or small "part of our world". Every ripple in the river helps set the wave in motion and we need YOU! As a member of our crew, you will be placed at events/locations around the park, where needed, as an ambassador/volunteer of Mermaids & Mariners on the St. Clair to help smoothly sail our ship!

We are over the waves that you are interested in mermaiding with us! Before you decide to apply, please read the MER-FORMANCE AGREEMENT in our application below to be "shore" you are aware of our expectations as a participant in the "St. Clair Sweetwater Sirens" Pod Squad. Must be 18 or older to apply. Please take note that there are many fish in the sea and we are looking for ALL levels of ability/experience and you are not limited to being a model, paid professional, etc. (You do not have to own a mermaid tail or be able to swim/perform in a tail----mermaid costumes are accepted as well. Mermaids come in ALL shapes, sizes and colours and we want our very own community members to be a part of our world, too!) Please also note that this is a volunteer position. Your role in our event Mermaids & Mariners on the St. Clair is not a paid position. You will be placed at events/locations around the park as an ambassador/attraction of Mermaids & Mariners on the St. Clair.

Ahoy, Vendors! You are invited to showcase your treasures at Mermaids & Mariners on the St. Clair. All applications will be accepted, however limited spots are available and preference will be given to vendors that offer mermaid/water/nautical-inspired and mystical-themed products/services to flow with our theme----artisans, retail, organizations, service-based industries, entertainment, food and MORE! Each vendor will receive a 10x10 tent space upon approval of your Whozits and Whatzits.
The cost for each 10x10 space is $100 (+HST). Applications must be received by December 31st, 2021. Selected/Approved vendors will be contacted to make payment by January 31st, 2022. Application fees are NON-REFUNDABLE (see Terms & Conditions at the end of our application for more information).
For questions/additional space please reach out to us at mermaidsandmariners@outlook.com or call 519-350-2952.